The subject of electronic marketing will not be complete without at
least mentioning the network or all computer networks, known as the
Internet. Founded over 20 years ago by the U.S. military, and
managed in part by the National Science Foundation, the Internet
has 20 to 30 million users worldwide People who use the Internet
include, entrepreneurs, executives, researchers, educators,
technicians, consumers, activists, students, and military personnel.
Most use the Internet to exchange e- mail, pursue special interests,
search databases, and conduct business.
One of the most popular uses of the Internet allows you to send and
receive messages to and from people around the world from the
comfort of your home computer. These messages, which are free to
send, are almost always delivered faster and more accurately than
regular mail. You can send messages to anyone who has an Internet
address. This includes members of most online services.
It is estimated that over 4,000 e-mails per minute gr through the
Internet What this means to you as an information marketer is that
you can conduct "direct mail" through the Internet to existing and
potential customers.
This will eliminate your postage and printing costs. It will also reduce
the amount of time needed to process your mail.
The Internet also has mailing lists to which you can have your e-mail
address added. These mailing lists are made up of groups of
Internet users with similar interests. The users send messages back
and forth to each other regarding relevant topics. For example, if you
are selling a publication on gardening, you might want to join a
mailing list of users interested in outdoor hobbies. Whenever
someone sends e-mail to this mailing list, the e-mail goes to
everyone on the mailing list. Sometimes the mailing list is monitored
by an administrator. If this is the case, you may be limited to the
kinds of e-mail you can send. If you can't find a list that has to do with
your publication's topic, you can start your own mailing list and wait
for others to join.
Once you join a mailing list, usually for free, you can receive 1000's
of e-mails from users you have already selected based on their
interests. You can then respond by sending an e-mail to each user's
e-mail address. Your e-mail might be a short message where you
mention how your information products can help them. Rather than
responding to each e-mail individually, you may be able to respond
by sending one e-mail to the entire Internet mailing list.
The Internet also has what is called, USENET newsgroups. This
aspect of the Internet allows users with specific interests to forms
groups and share information with each other, usually by posting
messages that others can read. Unlike mailing lists, you do not need
to send or receive any e-mail. You simply connect to the Internet,
locate a USENET newsgroup, and read or post messages to that
particular group.
Marketers can also use USENET newsgroups by finding a
newsgroup that focus on interest of specific advanatge to the
information products being sold.
You can do this by scanning the messages that have been posted.
By recording users e-mail addresses, you can compile a mailing list
to which you can e-mail information describing your product.
The Internet also has 100's of free databases that can be accessed
to gain information on practically any subject. These databases are
indexed so that you can search for information using key words or
phrases. Most are run by volunteers, but, just about anyone can start
one. Publishers can use these databases for two purposes. First,
they are an excellent source of current information. This information
can be used to help you write your publication.
Second, experienced publishers can create their own database.
Once created, the database can be accessed by millions of Internet
users worldwide. Your own database can contain your publication(s),
much like your own BBS.
Finally, the Internet, like many online services, is scattered with
1000's of interesting computer files that is accessible free of charge
to Internet users. These files are usually located in areas called
special interest groups (SIGs). There are over 5,000 SIGs on the
Information Marketers can upload free reports, announcements,
press releases, etc., to these SIGs for others to download. This
process is known as file transfer protocol (FTP).
Using this process, Internet users can send and receive computer
files all around the world. These computer files may contain more
complex information than contained in standard e-mails. These
computer files can contain text, graphics, sound, or they may be
actual programs. They have all been created, saved, and stored by a
computer connected to the Internet. You can send and receive
advertisements, small reports, or entire publications using the File
Transfer Protocol.
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