Tuesday, December 4, 2007



The July 25 issue of TIME Magazine devoted its cover story to a new

medium that is currently being used by over 25 million people and is

growing by 2 million new subscribers every single month.

This new medium is at the core of what are called Electronic Bulletin

Boards - a system by which people with computers can get

entertainment programs, make travel reservations, play games, get

stock market reports, watch the news, even buy & sell products -

using a computer.

Anyone with a computer can access any Bulletin Board by simply

plugging an ordinary telephone line to the computer. Take note of the


> With a regular telephone line, people can (using a standard

telephone) send and receive spoken words and sounds.

> With a regular telephone line, people can (using a fax

machine) send and receive copies of printed images,

whether text, photos, or or designs.

> With a regular telephone line, people can (using a computer

with a Bulletin Board system) send photos, graphic designs,

moving pictures and sound - just like television.


There are bulletin boards for nearly every subject matter. There are

bulletin boards for pet owners, bulletin boards for school teachers,

for doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs and many other fields of interest.

Of course, the most popular type of commercial bulletin boards are

those that accept advertising, where people from all over the country

buy & sell a variety of products and services.

In fact, one of the fastest-growing features offered by bulletin board

services today is called the Classified On-Line, a multi-category

advertising service filled with classified ads placed by individuals

and businesses.


[STEP #1] You send your 100-word classified ad to an AD BUREAU

that will electronically typeset your ad and put it in a format that is the

standard used for sending electronic advertising.

[STEP #2] After typesetting your ad, the AD BUREAU sends your it


CLEARINGHOUSE for all classified advertising nationwide. There,

all the ads from different independent Ad Bureaus across the country

are compiled and reformatted into their respective categories.

[STEP #3] Once all the ads are compiled, they are published in a

Compact Disc (CD-ROM), copies of which are sent to over 1,000 of

the largest Bulletin Board Services in the country.

[STEP #4] Brandel Communications also places information on the

Internet, Prodigy, America-On-Line, and CompuServe as to the

availability of the Classified On-Line Listings. People who want to

receive and read your ad can do so on-line, absolutely free of

charge! Or, if they do not want to get your ads on-line (considering

that a huge file like ours can take a lot of time to down-load via the

telephone), they can order a copy of the CD-ROM for only $10 each.

That way they can enjoy reading your ads at their leisure.

[STEP #5] Copies of the CD-ROM that contains your ads will also

be available to the general public for $10 each. Mail Order

companies, telemarketing companies, and retail businesses who

want to use the CD as a giveaway, as a premium, or as a value-

added incentive can purchase copies of the CD in bulk for around

$3 each.

............................GET A FREE 100-WORD AD...........................

Write to Brandel Communications to receive a "Free Ad Placement

Form". We will place your 100-word ad in Classified On-Line for

ONE FULL YEAR at no cost to you. That's an $80 value - absolutely


We will also send you a list of authorized AD BUREAUS where you

can send your ad copy for electronic typesetting. These bureaus

charge a set price of $19 for typesetting your ad and putting them in

the standard ad format.

You send them your ad and pay their $19 fee.

After the Ad Bureau typesets your ad, they send us a copy, and we

take care of the rest. AT NO COST TO YOU.

Just pay for the typesetting, and you're in business.

This is definitely the most inexpensive and cost-efficient way to have

your advertising message available to over 30 million computer

owners in the USA and Canada.

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