Tuesday, December 4, 2007



This is the first in a series of reports to help you understand the world

of computers and to determine how they can bring many benefits to

your personal life and home business. So, if you want to read the

entire series and learn along with us _ you'll need to contact THE

PUBLISHER right away to make sure they mail you copies of the

entire report series.

Getting Familiar with the PC Computer:

Before you purchase your new computer, you must first understand a

little about them. There are 2 parts needed to complete a computer

system The HARDWARE and the SOFTWARE. The hardware is

what you carry home when you purchase one. Hardware consists of

the following components: = CPU (Central Processing Unit). This is

the square part of your computer system that houses the floppy disk

drive and hard drive.

= Monitor. This is the television-type screen of the computer you

use to type and create your work on.

= Keyboard. This is the typewriter-like keys you use to type in

information and commands for your computer to understand.

= Printer. This is what you use to print out your data (letters, mailing

lists, and everything else.)

The second part of your computer system is the SOFTWARE.

Without software your computer will just sit on the desk and look at

you. It's like buying a toaster without an electric cord. Without a

means of plugging the toaster into the electric socket, the toaster will

not work. Without software, a computer will not work. Therefore, don't

be surprised when you spend $500 to $3,000 for a computer and

find out you have to invest another $200 or more for the beginning


Shareware programs are very popular with new computer buyers to

reduce this cost _ but you do need to invest some money in a good

word processing package (like WordPerfect(R) or Word for

Windows.) If you purchase a new computer, normally most of your

beginning software is supplied to you from the factory and if your first

computer is purchased from an individual advertising in the paper _

they normally give you free software too. But be prepared to buy

specific software for your specific needs now or soon because your

individual needs may differ.

When you start pricing computer systems you will find they range

considerably in price. This is because you can mix-and-match all the

custom qualities available to you in almost any way to fit your

particular budget. Since most beginners don't know enough about a

computer or how they'll effect their lives, it's sometimes impossible

to mix-and-match to your particular needs when you don't even know

what they are. A good mail order publication for computer bargains

is the GrapeVine Journal, PO Box 488, Bluff City TN 37618 but

perhaps the following will help:

Like a television set, monitors come in black/white or color. If you

want to save $150 or more, just specify that you want a black/white


To further confuse you though _ both black/white and color monitors

also come in a variety of types. Each type determines how clear and

definite things appear on the screen. Different types include VGA,

Super VGA, CGA, EGA, PGA, MDA and Hercules. The industry

standard at this time is Super VGA.

It's compatible with almost every type of software. It's clear and easy

on your eyes and very affordable. You can purchase a Super VGA

color or a Super VGA black/white.

= RAM (Random Access Memory). The amount of information your

monitor can hold at one time is called RAM. Computer memory is

measured in bytes and megabytes (1,000 bytes = 1 megabyte and

is expressed: 1MG.)

The more RAM your monitor has, the better. Be sure and get a

minimum of 1MG of RAM for your monitor to run most of the

software on the market today; preferably 4MG if you can afford it.

= Hard Drive. Your hard drive is a gigantic storage tank for all your

software. It's impossible to operate any software on the market

today (unless you just want to play simple games) without a hard

drive. A hard drive takes the place of floppy disks. You copy

information from your floppy disks to your hard drive and it stays

there _ even when you turn your computer off at night. The size of a

hard drive is measured in MG's (megabytes). A standard size hard

drive to purchase to run most of the software on the market today

would be 120MG.

Anything less means you will have to purchase more floppy disks

as you fill up your hard drive, which will slow up your operation


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